PT. Palladium International Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja untk posisi:
PRISMA is an agricultural development program which follows a Making Markets Work for the Poor approach and will contribute to a 30%, or more, increase in net incomes for 300,000 poor rural female and male farmers. Its objective is to increase competitiveness of poor female and male farmers. It will work in a range of sub-sectors in collaboration with farmers, businesses, government and civil society partners to increased competitiveness of poor male and female farmers through (i) increased productivity; (ii) improved business performance; (iii) a growing share of an expanding market; and (iv) the continuous adoption of innovations that contribute to productivity, performance, and market growth. The project will work in five (5) provinces in Eastern Indonesia: East Java, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, West Papua and Papua.
PRISMA differs from other programs in that it works indirectly through a range of partners to generate systemic and sustainable changes in agricultural markets, which in turn benefit poor farmers. It focuses on facilitating sys-temic changes, rather than intervening directly, and building partnerships with the private sector around commercially viable opportunities.
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